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Quiet Your Inner Mean Girl podcast


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Episode 16

How often does your inner mean girl tell you it's not enough - you're not doing enough, you don't have enough time, it's not good enough? If you are like MOST people, it's a lot.In this week's episode you'll learn the impact that believing it's not "enough" has on your motivation, your progress - and your life and the simple step you can take to turn it around. You'll discover the power of the small steps available to you today and how taking those small steps is not only enough - it's fastest and easiest way to create the habits, the confidence and the life you want.

Episode 15

As much as we would love to avoid it, frustration is a part of the process. As your frustration grows, your inner mean girl gets louder. Her stories become stronger. You start to believe that you can't, that it's not working, that it's too hard - and eventually you give up.You can't avoid frustration, but you can learn how to navigate it so you can move yourself through it and keep yourself moving closer to where you want to be.

Episode 14

Perfection is a funny thing. We think it's this big thing that we can easily identify and avoid - but perfection is actually very subtle and it sneaks into your life in ways you may not even realize. In today's episode, I take you through some of the sneaky ways perfection may be holding you back from creating the habits, the confidence and the life that you want - AND what you can do to quiet your inner mean girl and get comfortable with things not being perfect. Whether you are a self-proclaimed perfectionist or not (in fact, especially if you are not!) this episode is for YOU.

Episode 13

Your relationship with time matters. Most of us have a busy, chaotic relationship with time. Between work and kids and long to-do lists there is never enough of it. And the more we listen to our inner mean girl when she tells us we are too busy and don't have enough time - the more we spiral in being too busy and not having enough time.In this week's episode I talk about transforming your relationship with time from one rooted in lack and not enough-ness to a relationship that is deeply rooted in calm ownership. A relationship that energizes you instead of depleting you.

Episode 12

Your inner mean girl will always tell you all of the reasons that you "shouldn't" and when you don't have the skills to quiet her down, you believe these stories - and you miss out on all the reasons that you SHOULD. If you find yourself falling victim to your inner mean girl and the stories she tells you that are holding you back from creating the habits, the confidence and the life you want - this week's episode is for you.

Episode 11

We often think that hating, judging and criticizing will give us the kick in the butt we need to finally create the change we want - to get in shape, to lose the weight, to eat better or be more consistent - but hating your body will NEVER lead to long-lasting change. Temporary change, maybe, but never long lasting. And yet, I know that it can feel too hard to love your body, especially when you've spent so long hating your body. In this episode, I walk you through. the five stages that I experienced that carried me out of the spiral of self-sabotage and into learning to love my body.

Episode 10

This week, to celebrate 10 episodes of the Quiet Your Inner Mean Girl podcast, I'm sharing 10 of the biggest breakthroughs, mindset shifts, lessons and realizations that I have taken away from my own coaching that has helped me to create the habits, the confidence and the life I want. And the best news? You can do it too - and you can do it simply and in a way that works for you AND your life. It starts with quieting your inner mean girl and leaning into the truths that I share with you in this week's episode.

Episode 9

So often, we turn to our past to determine our future. But your past does not create your future - YOU create your future. What you’ve done or haven’t done in the past, doesn’t matter from the moment you set a goal for yourself forward. WHO you become when you set that goal for yourself is everything. Your relationship with your future self is one of the most important relationships you will ever have in your life - and it starts the moment you set a goal for yourself. In this week's episode, I'm talking about Your Future Self - who she is, how to become her and why it’s important to cultivate a strong relationship with her NOW. Listen in to learn the core foundation of building a relationship with your future self and key questions to ask yourself to bring her to life.

Episode 8

It can feel really hard to celebrate yourself - especially when your inner mean girl is telling you that nothing is working, that it isn't happening fast enough or that you're not making any progress. The truth is - some things are always working - you just have to be willing to look for them. This week, I'm talking about the power of celebrating yourself how when you learn to celebrate yourself, you find more things to celebrate, you quiet your inner mean girl and find the motivation and inspiration you need to keep going.

Episode 7

Things are not always going to go as you plan, life is going to life and at times, it's going to life hard. These are the moments that can so easily cause you to get frustrated and doubt yourself - moments in which it will feel easier to give up than to keep going.

Episode 6

Have you ever felt frustrated with yourself because you "fell off track" and feel like you need to start all over again - or that you need to make up for enjoying your life? This is your inner mean girl. She's wants to convince you, over and over again, that you've messed up and fallen off track, but the only track in life is forward.

Episode 5

If you have not YET reached your goal, there are only THREE things that are standing in your way. In this episode, I walk you through the three sided belief that you need to make any habit or goal a reality.

Episode 4

You are the only one who can make going after (and achieving!) your goals WORTH IT. In this week's episode, I take you on a journey that deeply connects you to your goals, why they are important to you - a journey that will pull you into your confident self...and action. Listen in to this week's episode to explore four key questions to ask yourself to create your compelling why - and to make your goals a reality.

Episode 3

Under every inner mean girl is your confident self - the version of you that has the goal, that knows there is more available, that believes it's possible - and that you are capable. In this week's episode, I introduce you to your Confident Self - and how to find her, even when your inner mean girl is loud.

Episode 2

There is only ever one thing that stands between you and the habits, the confidence and the life you want to create: your inner mean girl. In this week's episode, I walk you through what your inner mean girl may sound like, why she shows up and what you can do to quiet her down so you can feel healthier and more confident in your body, your habits - and your life.

Episode 1

Do you ever have something you really want to do - something you know you'll be proud of, something you know that will make you feel so much better - and yet, you don't do it because you're scared - or you don't think you're ready? Me too - in fact, in this first episode that is exactly what I'm doing. I'm doing it scared and diving into how, so often, we let fear hold us back from creating the habits, the confidence and the life we want to be living. And how sometimes - doing it scared - is the only way. If you have ever put off doing something that you really want to do - this episode is a must listen.

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